Witchfork, Wandcamp, and Wheatport logos

Witchfork has been acquired by an Undisclosed Multi­dimensional Conglomerate Company

We have some significant news to share with you today.

After careful consideration and negotiations with various ethereal entities, we are pleased to announce that Witchfork has been acquired by an undisclosed multidimensional conglomerate. This acquisition marks a new chapter in our journey, and we are excited about the opportunities it presents for our community of otherworldly writers and diviners.

We will continue to keep you informed about the future developments of Witchfork under its new ownership. In the meantime, we encourage you to explore and engage with the vast library of fascinating and deeply untrustworthy writing that our platform has to offer.

Once again, thank you for being a part of this extraordinary journey. Your clicks have been invaluable. Together, you have opened so many magical doors to realms before unseen.

May our creative endeavors continue to flourish in realms beyond.

The Witchfork Team


Legendary Witchfork Writer Presumed Eaten by Centaur Interviewee

April 12, 2024


Longtime Witchfork contributor Boris Cloven Kennedy-de Maria has reportedly been consumed by Victauria Meadow while conducting a feature interview for the magazine on Friday morning. Law officials say Cloven Kennedy de-Maria sent an "SOS" text to a close friend about twenty minutes after his scheduled meet-up with the up-and-coming centaurian musical artist and was unresponsive to the friend's subsequent attempts to contact him.

Upon arriving at the interview location and now crime scene, police recovered Cloven Kennedy de-Maria's tape recorder and two torn and foul-smelling socks that appeared to have been spat out. "I've never heard anything like that," proclaimed Chief Forensic Officer Laurent Énigmatique after listening to the audio recording, "I'm absolutely terrified... but I can't wait for her EP."